Sorghum Extract Enhances Caspase-dependent Apoptosis in Primary Prostate
Cancer Cells and Immune Activity in Macrophages
Hyun-Dong Cho1
, Jeong-Ho Kim2
, Seong-Min Hong3
, Ju-Hye Lee4
, Du-Hyun Kim5
and Kwon-Il S
Sorghum bicolor L. is one of the important minor cereals in Asia, Africa, and the central United States,
and it is considered a rich source of polyphenols, flavonoids, and dietary fiber. However, there is a
lack of data on the anti-cancer activity of Sorghum in prostate cancer cells and immune activity in
macrophages. This study aims to investigate the potential effects of an ethanol extract of S. bicolor L.
(SE) on inducing apoptosis in RC-58T/h/SA#4 cells and immunomodulatory activity in RAW 264.7
cells. SE significantly inhibited the viability of RC-58T/h/SA#4 primary prostate cancer cells in a
dose-dependent manner. The morphology of RC-58T/h/SA#4 cells treated with SE was shrunken and
involved the formation of an apoptotic body and nuclear condensation. In addition, SE markedly acti-
vated caspase-8, -9, and -3; increased the protein levels of Bax, p53, cleaved PARP, and cytosolic cyto-
chrome c; and decreased Bcl-2 protein expression. Furthermore, the inhibition of caspases in RC-58T/
h/SA#4 cells with z-VAD-fmk attenuated SE-induced cell growth inhibition. The production of nitric
oxide (NO) was also elevated by SE treatment, as revealed by immune response parameters. These
results suggest that SE inhibits growth and induces apoptosis in primary human prostate cancer cells
in a caspase-dependent manner, and it modulates the immune functions in macrophages. Therefore,
Sorghum bicolor L. may be used as a functional food to prevent prostate cancer and enhance immune
Key words : Apoptosis, immune activity, RC-58T/h/SA#4, Sorghum ethanol extract