Sorghum bicolor Leaf Sheaths have been in use for centuries by people of South western Nigeria as folk medicine to fight chronic diseases including hypertension, diabetes, heart diseases, rheumatoid arthritis, stroke and even cancer. We are in custody of the methodology by which these different health conditions were addressed. Now that the herb has been been researched and converted to powdered capsule form, we could provide useful hints on how it could help in using it for chronic diseases. As an example, there a method of reversing stroke when it is applied within 24 – 48 hours of an occurrence. There is a different method of application for long standing stroke which could take 4 – 6 months of treatment to reverse.
The claims of the ancient folk medicine practitioners have been substantiated by the extensive scientific research carried out. The inclusion of Sorghum bicolor supplement in the dictionary of drugs by the NATIONAL CANCER INSTITUTE and its description as being rich in Polyphenols and polyphenolic acids with potential for antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, chemopreventive and immunomodulating capabilities is an important corroboration of claims by ancient folk medicine practitioners. We welcome interactions on our WhatsApp number +234 818 957 6022

Please see a research publication on Sorghum bicolor supplement (Jobelyn).

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