Date: 09/06/2023

Updated: 15/06/2023

Medayedu Bunmi was first diagnosed with diabetes in March 2015. He had been managing the condition with a daily dosage of Metformin and Daonil.

We took interest in his case in April 2022 when he reported his eye condition was going bad and his need for corrective eye surgery, but as a Diabetic patient this is a tricky situation because his blood sugar level at this point was high and there is a high risk that the eye will not heal in proper time which may, in-turn worsen his eyes condition.

His blood sugar level at this time was 168 Mg/dL for his fasting sugar level and a staggering 170-175 Mg/dL at eating.


At this point, Bunmi was placed on a dosage of Jobelyn(250mg), and he was instructed to take 3 capsules 3 times daily (morning, noon, night)

There was an immediate change in his blood sugar reading after the first week


The data shown shows significant improvement in Bunmi’s blood sugar level. The effect of Jobelyn combined with Metformin and Daonil proved to be very significant in reducing his blood sugar to a normal level.

As a result, Bunmi was able to have successful eye surgery in June for his left eye and consequently for his right eye in November 2022.

He reported that his sight has improved greatly ever since.


Medayedu has been placed on continuous dosage of Jobelyn ever since and his blood sugar reading have been is normal range.


Recently, he started taking a WATER EXTRACT of Jobelyn extract and the corresponding blood sugar data has been outstanding. His blood sugar reading appears like that of a person who does not have diabetes.


To further prove the efficacy of Jobelyn, it was decided that Medayedu should suspend Metformin and Daonil which he uses alongside Jobelyn and that he takes a daily dose of the Jobelyn extract only (1 capsule 3 times daily).

The corresponding result shows a bit of an increase in his sugar to a range between 128-135 Mg/dL, however, this is a much-improved result compared to when he was taking only Metformin and Daonil without Jobelyn. We strongly believe that his blood sugar level will return to normal as he continues with the daily dosage of the High Jobelyn extract.


The attached excel sheet is a complete recording of the events during the study.

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