Sorghum bicolor leaf sheaths which had now been formulated to a dietary supplement called Sorghum bicolor supplement had been in use by folk medicine practitioners for centuries to treat diverse ailments including CANCER. The dietary supplement has recently been listed in the drug dictionary of the National Cancer Institute and described as being rich in polyphenols and phenolic acids with potential for antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, immunomodulating and chemopreventive capabilities. The supplement has been subjected to in vitro and in vivo animal studies to establish its very potent anti-inflammatory powers.

Cancer has remained a dreaded disease to humanity. The scientific and technological development across the world does not alter this statement. Even in the United States (US) where medical science has reached its peak, the position remains the same. When Mr. Nixon was president of the US, it was decreed that the cure for Cancer must be found within 10 years or so. This was several decades ago, but there is no light at the end of the tunnel yet. The solution to the problem of Cancer is buried in nature and until humanity bows to nature, human suffering as a result of cancer would continue unabated.

By profession, I am a Chartered Accountant and a Management Consultant, who was led by nature to discover a clue that would eventually make a big impact in the quest to find a solution to the problem of cancer. After a distinguished career in accounting and management consultancy, nature shifted my focus to investigating how a simple folk medicine may solve most of human health problems.

An attempt on my life in 1993 was the major turning point in my life. I was introduced to a herbal practitioner, who was using a single herb to treat all his patients. I was later to discover that this herb was a special Sorghum bicolor leaf sheath, which had been in use as folk medicine by the natives of Southwestern Nigeria for centuries, to cure diseases of diverse origins, including cancer, diabetes, arthritis, hypertension, stroke, heart diseases, anemia, sickle cell anemia and neurological disorders. My two-year apprenticeship under this herbalist convinced me that it was indeed, a truth that he was using the single herb to cure every disease. I was a witness to the cure of a Teaching Hospital professor, who had a terminal case of Leukemia and this happened within a record time of 3 months.

I decided to embark on an adventure to provide a credible evidence to substantiate the awesome power of this herb and this project started in 1996. I am satisfied that the effort has so far been fruitful. My initial task was to transform the herbal concoction from a water extract to a capsule form. I consider this would be more appealing to users including medical scientists.

The first publication in the Nigerian popular newspaper, The Guardian, created the first awareness and this was before it was packaged as a commercial product.

In 1998, the product was offered free for Leukemia trial on the internet and someone from the US accepted the offer and the summary of the outcome is as follows:

An American, whose wife is an associate professor in the Department of Occupational Therapy, Boston University, Massachusetts, US.

He had Acute Myeloid Leukemia, refractory type M-O. He received three courses of chemotherapy between October and January 1996 -1997. Two weeks after the last chemotherapy, his leukemia relapsed.

He subsequently underwent a bone marrow transplant, but the leukemia relapsed later. He went for another protocol in which he received lymphocyte infusion (helper – T cells) followed by three weeks of interleukin-2 injections. In spite of all these, his blasts continued to increase and the haematocrit kept going down. He was transfused with two pints of whole blood every other day. He also received multiple platelet transfusions. His case was dismissed by his doctors at Dana Farber Cancer Centre (one of the best two cancer centres in the world) as irredeemable. He was given two days to live after discharge from hospital.

His wife placed an order for Jubi capsules (Now Jobelyn) through the internet. Though the patient is now deceased, his condition while on this therapy could best be summarised in the spouse’s own words “The Jubi Formula definitely stabilised his haematocrit for as long as he took it and it may have prolonged his life a few weeks. Having been able to keep him alive for a month after they thought he was going to die was worth it.

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Another testimony was from the father of a 26-year–old leukemia patient, whose ailment had defied chemotherapy and who was on the verge of receiving a bone marrow transplant. He came to Nigeria from America to procure Jobelyn for his son and returned four to five month afterwards to say that his son had been discharged from hospital as result of complete remission.

Please listen to the testimony:

Up to this stage, we did not have any scientific evidence to back up a claim that Jobelyn was useful for the treatment of Cancer, but the work we have done in the past 15 years had provided abundant evidence. It was climaxed by the discovery of a compound which activated the NK Cells and showed potential in cancer immuno-surveillance.

After about 80 years of vigorous efforts to find a cure for Cancer, the treatments available are chemotheraphy, surgery and radiotheraphy. Everybody is aware of the dangerous side effects of these therapies. Patients, who survive five years after the start of chemotherapy are regarded as having been cured. Most of the patients do not survive for this length of time.

In recent times, serious attention is being given to the new science called immuno-therapy. While I was writing this article, I came across an article based on a recent CNN broadcast on the recent developments in this field of science.

“Cancer immuno-therapy really refers to treatments that use your own immune system to recognise, control and hopefully ultimately cure cancers,” said Jill O’Donnell-Tormey, Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Cancer Research Institute, during the conference in New York last month.

“Many people for many years didn’t think the immune system was really going to have a role in any treatment for cancer, but I think the entire medical community (and) oncologists now agree that immunotherapy is here to stay,” she said.

The specific sector of the immune system that is responsible for the immuno-therapy function is known as the NK (Natural Killer) Cells.

The big pharmaceutical companies are now in a rat race to produce drugs or technology that would activate the NK Cells for cancer immuno-therapy and they are facing formidable difficulties. The issue of side effects is enormous and the cost of the finished product would undoubtedly be beyond the reach of the average citizens.

Medical scientists believe that nature is primitive and that they could ignore nature to find solutions to many problems including health issues. They have not been able to produce a trouble free solution. The approach to solve the problem of cancer with chemotherapy is a complete failure and hence the recent realisation that the immune cells offer the best approach to solving cancer problems.

But how do you assist the immune cells to achieve this objective? There are several ways that scientists have been exploring. One is by inventing vaccines and the other way is by extraction of the T Cells and manipulating them before re-introducing them to the patients to activate the NK Cells for them to destroy cancer cells. These unnatural ways have been creating problems and side effects.

The natives of South western Nigeria claimed they have been treating cancer for decades, using Tradition Herbal preparations but they have either been scorned or ignored because they did not have scientific evidence to back up their claims.

We have spent the last 20 years carrying out studies and have reached a milestone that could not be ignored in our quest to prove that an African Traditional Medicinal product has some measure of scientific evidence to support its claim for treatment of cancer.

In a research carried out at Natural Immune System (NIS) Laboratory, Oregon, in the US and published in the Journal of Medicinal Food with the title: “West African Sorghum Bicolor Leaf Sheaths Have Anti-Inflammatory and Immune-Modulating Properties In Vitro”, it was reported that both aqueous and non aqueous compounds in Jobelyn contribute to anti-inflammatory effects, combined with multiple effects on immune cell activation status. These observations may help suggest mechanisms of action that contribute to the traditional use of sorghum-based products, beverages, and extracts for immune support.

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The latest research carried out by scientists at Lagos State University Teaching Hospital (LASUTH), was published in the Journal of Cancer Research Therapy under the title: “Newly isolated compounds from West African Sorghum bicolor leaf sheaths Jobelyn show potential in cancer immuno-surveillance”. It was concluded that “evidence of innate effector cells activation by ethanolic extracts of Jobelyn® suggests that this variety of Sorghum may be able to mediate direct cell cytotoxicity supporting the control and clearance of a number of tumour cells”.

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Almost all the leading big pharmaceutical companies are investing millions of dollars in immuno-therapy to provide the solution to the problem of cancer, but they have been meeting obstacles because they are ignoring nature in their approach. Vaccines and synthetic agents are repulsive to the sensitive nature of immune system. The solution could only come from organic molecules derived from natural plant sources. Jobelyn has produced the molecule that has demonstrated its potential in cancer immune surveillance. This is no doubt an in vitro experiment and the product will soon be subjected to human clinical trials for Breast Cancer at a Nigeria Teaching Hospital. Jobelyn, a natural product derived from a unique variety of Sorghum bicolor, has been in use for centuries by Africans for the treatment of cancer and many other ailments.

Cancer is a complex disease and the current approach to treatment is multi-dimensional. One of the important aspects to Cancer treatment is appropriate food and nutrition. Jobelyn is a perfect example of food and medicine that play an important role in the treatment of cancer.

Jobelyn’s nutritional contents were assessed by GMP Laboratories of America, Inc., CA, US. SBLS was proven to be a good source of minerals like calcium (35.2 per cent RDA), magnesium (59.03 per cent RDA), sodium (95.83 per cent RDA), selenium (28.0 per cent RDA), Zinc (13.62 per cent RDA) and copper (127.77 per cent RDA). RDA means Recommended Daily Allowance and it is set by Food and Drugs Authority (FDA) in the US.

More interestingly, it was observed that 100g of this extract provides around 285 per cent of the daily recommended levels of iron.

Jobelyn contains large amounts of iron and as such it is used in the treatment of anemia. However, most of the excess iron from Jobelyn is chelated by the polyphenols in the sorghum extract and as a result the excess iron is not presented to the body. Such observation suggests that the use of Jobelyn can help improve haematocric (blood level) and quality of life in cancer patients as well as reduce several micronutrients deficiencies, which are common in those patients.

Vitamin Contents in Jobelyn

Jobelyn also contains substantial amounts of vital vitamin B12.

It is a water soluble vitamin that acts as a cofactor in the conversion of homocysteine to methionine and methyl tetrahydrofolate to tetrahydrofolate.

Polyglutamate is further added to tetrahydrofolate to prevent the diffusion of folates out of the cell. Folates are essential for the building blocks of DNA in rapidly regenerating organs like the production of blood while excess homocysteine is known to cause endothelial damage and therefore, cardiovascular disease. It is well documented that the body cannot produce B12 and that it can only be sourced from animal foods or in the form of B12 vitamin supplement.

Deficiency usually results in anemia, impaired brain function, and symptoms of mental disorder. The only good food sources of B12 are primarily animal foods like meat, fish and eggs producing 2.8 µg/100 1.95 µg/100; 4.15 µg/100 of B12, respectively. Interestingly, Jobelyn is a good source of B12 producing 0.83 µg/100 g. This is the first time a plant product has been reported to contain significant amounts (34 per cent) of vitamin B12. Vitamin B12 could potentially be a useful antioxidant as it directs reaction with reactive oxygen species and through glutathione sparing effect, can modify signalling molecules to decrease oxidative stress and increase total antioxidant capacity

Fatty Acids Contents in Jobelyn

Jobelyn provides an impressive 1:3 ratio of Omega-3 to that of Omega-6 and as population studies indicate, our diet should contain no more than three parts of Omega-6 to one part of Omega-3, which is ideal for the heart’s health. Omega-6 fats have pro-inflammatory effects while omega-3 fats have anti-inflammatory effects. The ratio of 3:1 will reduce the chronic inflammation that most people recognise as the root cause of many chronic diseases, including diabetes and cancer. Omega-3 fatty acids play important role in every cell in the body. Omega-3 makes up cell membrane and helps in maintaining membrane fluidity, keeps the nervous system functioning by up-regulating brain derived neurotropic factor (BDNF) and modulating neurotransamitters re-uptake, degradation, synthesis and anti-apoptotic effects once it gets converted into fatty acids eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and later docosahexaenoic acid (DHA).

However, Omega-6 inhibits the conversion of Omega-3 into DHA and EPA, therefore, the adequate ratio of 1:2 or 1:3 is usually required to allow conversion of adequate amounts of Omega-3. The Omega balance is critical as Omega-3 and Omega-6 compete for absorption into the cells, and an excess of dietary Omega-6 will result in too few of Omega-6 being incorporated into cell membranes, from where they exert their essential effects

In some developed countries, alternative holistic systems have been established after identifying the limitation of the orthodox system. There are centres in Tijuana (Mexico), Israel, Germany and other countries where cancer problem is being addressed with holistic system. Patients in search of the holistic solution travel to these places from the US in spite of their highly developed medical system. We are proposing to establish an integrative system in Nigeria where complete wellness would be the target. It will combine the best in orthodox with natural and traditional systems to provide reliable solution for cancer patients in Nigeria. This will save a lot of foreign exchange from medical tourism by Nigerians to foreign countries like India, Germany, Israel and other countries in search of solution to cancer problems. We hope that that when this system is fully developed, people from developed countries would be attracted to Nigeria for a better solution to their cancer problems.


According to a study published in Food and Agricultural Immunology, sorghum (a key ingredient in Jobelyn®) can be a valuable source of antioxidants and cancer prevention effects (specifically hepatocellular carcinoma).

To learn more about what makes Sorghum bicolor Supplement Jobelyn unique please click here:

What makes Sorghum bicolor Supplement (Jobelyn) unique

Can nature treat cancer? Yes, say cancer patients at the Lagos University Teaching Hospital (LUTH), Idi Araba, Lagos.

They spoke at the seminar tagged: ‘Let’s kill it! organised by a Non-Governmental Organisation (NGO), Atinuke Cancer Foundation.

Despite that some of the patients looked frail, were on the wheelchair, they were bound by one thing – cancer, which they are determined to eradicate.

Sitting under the well-decorated tent in front of the Oncology and Radiology Department of LUTH, some of the survivors praised an herbal supplement – Jobelyn – for providing succour for them.

A survivor, Mrs Atinuke Lawal, the NGO’s founder, said Jobelyn stabilises cancer patients’ haematocrit which is why it is recommended for treating and managing cancer.


She said: “I can recommend the drug to anybody living with cancer or a survivor. I put up this event, and dedicated a day out of the three days, to ensure that people receiving treatment, have adequate information about what worked for me, and others. I intend to let them know this message across our target audience, especially in Lagos,  through the media -TV, Radio, newspaper and the new media – that cancer can be overcome. I will extend the NGO’s frontiers to the rest of the world.”

Mrs Atinuke urged the government  to assist in the research and development of traditional herbal plants that can treat diseases, especially terminal diseases, such as cancer.

Another parent who does not want her name in print said narrated her experience with cancer treatment at the hospital. “Though it is expensive, we are getting results. When some of the machines broke down, Jobelyn and other drugs stabilised my relative who would have easily relapsed and turned to a bad condition. It was introduced to us by word of mouth by other patients and we did not regret using it.”

Health Forever Products (HFP) CEO, Otunba Olajuwon Okubena, the brain behind the product, said the journey  started about 22 years ago through his discovery of the herb now developed and packaged as Jobelyn.

According to him, his company has spent the last 20 years researching and have a reached a milestone that could not be ignored in its quest to prove that an African traditional medicinal product has some measure of scientific evidence to support its claim for the treatment and cure of cancer.

Otunba Okubena said several in vitro and in vivo studies had been done with Jobelyn and the results have been published in peer-review journals. “Natural Immune System (NIS) Laboratory in the US discovered that Jobelyn activates several chemokines and cytokines as well as the natural killer cells which are responsible for destroying cancer cells naturally.

“We have published the results of our latest research with the title: ‘Newly isolated compounds from West African Sorghum bicolor leaf sheaths Jobelyn® show potential in cancer immunosurveillance’. The full article could be accessed at:”.

He lamented that Health Forever Product does not have the financial capacity to develop the product to an international standard.

Otunba Okubena is, however, optimistic that the product could be a break-through for Nigeria in its contribution to cancer cure and enable it to have large share in the multi-billion-dollar cancer drug market.

He added that a clinical study at a teaching hospital confirmed that breast cancer patients who were placed on Jobelyn maintained their blood levels before, during and after chemotherapy administration.

Foremost Professor of Radiation Therapy and Oncology, Francis Abayomi Durosinmi-Etti, confirmed that natural medicine requires attention as it could provide a solution to cancer. He believes that the cure for cancer could be nearer to us or could be in our environment but we are not focused on this.

Prof Durosinmi-Etti praised the presentation by Otunba Okubena, adding that the time had come for us to look inwards for a solution to cancer.

Present at the event was the former head of department (HOD), Prof Remi Ajekigbe and Dr Muhammad Habeeb, Radiotherapy and Oncology HOD.




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